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Opportunities to serve

Pray for SLM

Please pray for:

  • The Lord to get the glory for everything we do

  • His will to be done and for discernment in dealing with people

  • Street Love to be diligent with every gift given

  • Preparation of the hearts of our neighbors as we minister to them

  • Realization for those who need a personal relationship with Jesus

  • Showers of blessings on all SLM supporters and prayer warriors


Clothing and Camping GEar donations

SLM is accepts donations of clean and gently used items to share with our displaced friends. We are currently accepting women's and men's adult sized:​

  • Sneakers and boots

  • Umbrellas

  • Socks

  • Reading glasses

  • Sweatpants

  • Jeans

  • T-shirts

  • Raincoats

  • Sweatshirts

  • Coats

SLM is always in need of camping items such as:

  • Sleeping bags

  • Blankets

  • Pillows

  • Suitcases

  • Backpacks

  • Bug spray

  • Bibles and devotionals

  • Flashlights

  • Duffle bags

  • Baby wipes

  • Batteries (AA & AAA)

  • Tents/tarps

  • Towels

  • Washing detergent

Purses with a Purpose

Please take a used purse and fill it with women's items such as:

  • A brush

  • Nail clippers / polish

  • Sunglasses

  • Pack of gum

  • Lotion

  • Among other things (if you would have it in your bag, they would love it in theirs)

We have been told by our friends that it "makes [them] feel like a lady again."


Please do not include money. 

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Snack Bags Project

Someone hungry can typically find one free meal per day in Athens. However, these locations are miles apart. The snack bag project was started to fill in the gap when one is hungry and has no source for a meal.


The bag is a simple, prepackaged gallon ziplock bag filled with non-perishable food. Currently, 100-150 are given away each week through daily distribution. It has been an eye-opener to watch the bag be opened right away, shared with others, or saved for hard times.


The bags include a protein (tuna packet or Vienna sausage), chips, crackers, fruit cup or pudding, and some kind of sweet (Rice Krispy treat, Poptart, etc.). We shy away from granola bars, as these often cause stomach issues, and hard foods because of dental health.


SLM welcomes donations of any of these items. The items are on our Amazon wish list below or can be purchased separately (wholesale or grocery) and dropped off. Additionally, volunteers are needed to sponsor or pack the bags.

Serve at the
Main Event

All are welcome to come experience the blessings on our monthly events. It takes a small army to set up and tear down for these outings where we serve 300+ monthly.


You may serve food, sit and get to know a homeless friend, fold clothes, or simply observe after getting started.


These events take place on the 2nd Sunday of the month at the First Steps Encampment and the 3rd Saturday of the month at First Baptist Church, Athens. Each event typically lasts 3-4 hours and is a blessing for all who participate.


Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or email us to volunteer or for more specific information.


Dinner at
Bigger Vision

It takes about 12-15 volunteers, each making a 9x13 item in a disposable pan, to make this dinner possible for 38 guest at Bigger Vision Homeless Shelter and for several friends in tent camps.


The menu is the same every month: Chicken casserole, green beans, creamed potatoes, mac and cheese, deviled eggs (a favorite), rolls, desserts, and drinks.


Drop off is Sunday afternoon at 3:30 pm in Jefferson with the dish ready to serve. A team of five volunteers is needed to serve this meal at the shelter at 5:45 pm.


SLM believes before you can feed the soul, you must first feed the stomach.

Spread The word

Invite us to speak to your community group, congregation, or your event.

  • Contact us via Email, Facebook, or our website with interest


Share our stories with your friends and family!

Amazon Wish List

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